The AfriForum Sport conference will be held on 6 and 7 December 2023 in Pretoria.
This conference focusses on equipping Afrikaans school sports coaches with the necessary knowledge and skills to really develop the young people they work with in 2024 optimally through sport as a vehicle. Top speakers across the country will address AfriForum Sport conferees on subjects that will have an actual impact on their role as coach and mentor.
As with last year’s event, conferees can look forward to top-quality speakers that will discuss a variety of relevant subjects.
More information will be made available soon. Capacity is limited, book your seat in the meantime to prevent disappointment. Do not miss this opportunity to take your coaching career to the next level or to ensure that your school’s sport coaches stand out head and shoulders. Tickets are R500 per person for both days including access to all the sessions, light snacks and lunch.
Book your seat now by following the next steps:
- Visit
- Go to “Functions” and choose “Sportkongres”.
- FilI in your information and keep your debit/credit card ready.
- Make your payment via our safe PayFast option.
- Come and enjoy the conference with us.
We are excited to welcome you at the AfriForum Sport conference and to assist you in 2024 in taking sport in Afrikaans schools to the next level. You will meet new friends and start building networks.
Together we are stronger and together we build a future for our young people.

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